27 Juni 2024 | News,

Organisations selected by Demaimpact’s young people

On Sunday 23 June 2024, the young people of the Demaimpact Fund, accompanied by WISE Philanthropy Advisors, met to choose the projects they will support this year. The Demaimpact Fund’s call for projects, which is hosted by the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, was a resounding success, with a large number of high-quality applications submitted for assessment.

After in-depth deliberations, they agreed on four inspiring projects: two in the field of young people’s mental health and two in that of young people’s integration.

The projects focusing on mental health will be rolled out throughout French-speaking Switzerland and will be run by the Stop Suicide organisation and the Radix Foundation. The aim of these initiatives is to provide essential support and raise awareness of the challenges associated with young people’s mental health.

The projects dedicated to the integration of young people are proposed by the organisation À Part Entière, based in the Jura, and Autonomia, based in Geneva. These initiatives will help to promote the inclusion and active participation of young people.

We would like to express our gratitude to this cohort for their enthusiasm and commitment throughout this process. Their dedication to supporting such vital causes is truly inspiring.