In this new contribution to our blog hosted on Le Temps platform, Anna Matevosyan asks why we tend to think of philanthropists as older people. She looks at the benefits of philanthropy, including the positive impact of starting to be a philanthropist at a young age. „Instead of waiting until the age of retirement, let’s […]
Den Artikel lesenThe COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund was created at the request of the World Health Organization (WHO). Active from March 13, 2020 and December 31, 2021, it enabled individuals, corporations and foundations to support the work of WHO and its partners to help countries prevent, detect and respond to the pandemic. In total, 676,626 donors have […]
Den Artikel lesenVoilà près de sept ans que j’ai plongé dans le monde fascinant de la philanthropie. Tout au long de mon parcours, j’ai rencontré des centaines d’êtres humains passionnés, tous animés par la volonté de donner afin d’avoir un impact positif sur la société. Si le secteur a indéniablement évolué ces dernière années, l’élan des philanthropes […]
Den Artikel lesenIn this new contribution to our blog hosted on the Le Temps website, Aline Freiburghaus, Co-Director of SwissFoundations, explores the diversity of motivations that drive people to give, as well as their evolution. “Donors no longer only want to fill the gaps in the system, but are increasingly interested in anticipating societal changes, in order […]
Den Artikel lesenWe are pleased to have welcomed two new members to the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation team at the end of 2021: Marc Salzmann has joined us as Project Administrator, and Victoria Pittet has taken on the temporary position of Administrative Coordinator for a period of 9 months. The Foundation is very pleased with these new arrivals. […]
Den Artikel lesenLa générosité s’apprend et se transmet Je suis une petite fille insouciante en voyage en Asie avec ses parents. Je vois un groupe d’enfants jouant dans la rue, ils ont mon âge et quelle est ma tristesse de voir qu’ils n’ont plus de doigts. Je suis encore plus triste lorsque mon père m’explique qu’ils ont […]
Den Artikel lesen“Generosity multiplies when shared” Guest of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation’s Blog on Le Temps platform, Alexandra Jequier explores this question through different episodes that made her aware of philanthropy from a young age and discusses ways to perpetuate and encourage this tradition with the younger generation. “My father always opened my eyes to the fact […]
Den Artikel lesenIn its November 24th 2021 edition, the AGEFI newspaper devoted a special report to philanthropy. Aline Freiburghaus, Director of SwissFoundations for French-speaking Switzerland, and Sabrina Grassi, Director General of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and Co-Vice President of SwissFoundations, had the opportunity to express their views on the changes that the foundation sector is currently undergoing. In […]
Den Artikel lesenIn its 2021 edition „The 300 wealthiest people of Switzerland“, Bilan magazine devotes a special report to philanthropy and in particular to continuing education in this field. As Sabrina Grassi, Director General of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation points out in her interview, “Philanthropy has always been able to work. But now there is a desire to […]
Den Artikel lesenOrganisée par Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, en partenariat avec le Center for Philanthropy Studies de l’Université de Bâle (CEPS) et le Centre en philanthropie de l’Université de Genève (UNIGE), la Master Class en philanthropie, s’est déroulée du 1 au 3 septembre 2021 au Château de Bossey (VD). Cette édition 2021 a réuni 25 participants venus des […]
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