16 September 2020 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation’s Financial Commission expands and welcomes two new external members

The Foundation is delighted to welcome two new external members: Ms. Coralie Leresche and Mr. Dominique Goy, whose profiles complement and strengthen the expertise of the Financial Commission, which now has five members. An expert in the field of sustainable investing, Coralie Leresche is currently Head of Business Development at OpenFunds Investment Services AG, a […]

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02 September 2020 | News,

Master Class 2020 : Success for the 8th edition of continuing education in foundation management

Unique in French-speaking Switzerland, this practical training is organized by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, in partnership with the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Basel (CEPS) and the Center for Philanthropy at the University of Geneva. This edition took place from August 26 to 28, 2020 at Château de Bossey (VD) and brought together […]

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12 August 2020 | News,

Sabrina Grassi intervention during the Swiss Study Foundation’s Summer Academy

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated in the 14th edition of the Summer Academy « Le Tableau de la Suisse » organized by the Swiss Study Foundation,  from August 2 to 9, 2020. Entitled „The picture of Switzerland, What is civil society really doing? „, This seminar was devoted to the different forms of engagement in favor […]

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05 August 2020 | News,

Third Impact Report : COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund

We are pleased to share the third COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund impact report, covering the period of June 1 – June 30. During this period, the Fund disbursed $34.6 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners, bringing total disbursements to date to $173.6 million. From the Fund’s March 13, 2020 launch through […]

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02 Juli 2020 | News,

Philanthropy Forum Capsule – Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)

Are we generous ? Giving time and money plays an important role in our lives, no matter the reason or the amount we give. There is no doubt that empathy and generosity go hand in hand with philanthropy regardless of the number of pennies involved. So, what should we give? And how much? Beatrice Fihn, […]

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01 Juli 2020 | News,

Launch of Europe’s first online Transnational Giving Platform to facilitate cross-border giving, a boost for European philanthropy

Digital revolution in the world of philanthropy, with the launch on Monday June 29, 2020 of a European digital platform for cross-border donations. An innovative pilot project which aims to facilitate donations and stimulate philanthropy in Europe. The voluntary sector has been marked by major changes in recent years, which is pushing it to reinvent […]

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18 Juni 2020 | News,

Philanthropy Forum Capsule – Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman, Verbier Festival Foundation / Chairman Emeritus, Nestlé S.A.

Should we do more for culture? Culture is fundamental—music, the visual arts and science connect us. They guide our lives in a constantly changing world. But as a society, do we have a responsibility toward culture? How can culture be, or indeed should it be, encouraged? And what is the role of philanthropy? Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, […]

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15 Juni 2020 | Blog le Temps, Wie spenden?,

Christophe Equey – Nous devrions tous être prêts à apporter quelque chose à la collectivité 

À ma retraite, je voulais continuer à être utile, à rendre service à la collectivité. Les autorités vaudoises m’ont demandé d’apporter mon aide à certains conseils de fondation en difficulté. J’ai naturellement accepté : cela me permet de maintenir des contacts humains et sociaux, ainsi qu’une activité intellectuelle. Don, partage et responsabilité Cet engagement m’a […]

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15 Juni 2020 | News,

Blog SPF sur la plateforme du Temps | “Nous devrions tous être prêts à apporter quelque chose à la collectivité”

Christophe Equey est l’invité du blog de Swiss Philanthropy Foundation sur la plateforme du Temps. Dans son témoignage, il nous partage son expérience et sa vision du bénévolat notamment comme membre de Conseils de fondation, une fonction d’importance, mais trop souvent sous-estimée par celles et ceux qui les acceptent. Après avoir dirigé une grande Fondation […]

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11 Juni 2020 | News,

„Campaign to Stop Killer Robots“ wins the Ypres Peace Prize 2020

The City Council of Ypres in Belgium announced this week the winner of its 2020 Peace Prize and awarded the „Campaign to Stop Killer Robots“. A symbolic distinction for the campaign, which has been working since 2012 to ban the production and use of autonomous lethal weapon systems („Killer Robots“), by increasing actions to inform […]

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