19 September 2017 | News,

A GREAT! evening for Swiss Philanthropy Foundation’s 10th anniversary

On September 11, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation gathered more than 250 partners and friends in Geneva to mark its 10th anniversary. The Foundation took this opportunity to honor ten innovative philanthropic initiatives selected by the board. Carried out by private individuals, entrepreneurs and foundations, these initiatives all illustrate the diversity and demand of today’s philanthropy. Different […]

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22 August 2017 | Presse,

„Le modèle méconnu de fondation abritante fait ses preuves en Suisse“: L’AGEFI, le vendredi 18 août 2017

Après dix ans d’existence, la Swiss Philanthropy Foundation a créé 34 fonds pour 164 millions de francs abrités et 100 projets.

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16 August 2017 | News,

Video: discover the thematic philanthropic funds sheltered by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Our thematic funds support projects around the world aimed at access to employment, and improving the health and living conditions of disadvantaged people. Thematic funds enable you to join forces with other philanthropists and benefit from professional project management at a much lower cost, while gaining experience and learning about the chosen theme. The Foundation […]

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15 August 2017 | Presse,

„Les fondations philanthropiques s’épanouissent en Valais“: Le Nouvelliste, le lundi 7 août 2017

Le Verbier Festival et Swiss Philanthropy Foundation ont organisé une conférence sur le thème de la philanthropie, musique et éducation à Verbier, le vendredi 28 juillet 2017. Le Nouvelliste a consacré un article à cette thématique dans son édition du 7 août […]

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15 August 2017 | News,

Second White Paper for Sustainable Finance Geneva

As a partner of Sustainable Finance Geneva, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation contributed to writing content in think-tank workshops and supported the publication of the book “Le monde change, la finance innove”, which discusses a number of philanthropic issues in terms of sustainability and financial innovation. For example, new strategies are emerging in the world of foundations, […]

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15 August 2017 | News,

First roundtable on philanthropy at the Verbier Festival

On July 28, the Verbier Festival and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation organised a conference on philanthropy, education and music. Moderated by Sylvain Besson, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Le Temps, the round table was composed of a panel of committed actors whose diversity made it possible to highlight the link that each of them establishes between philanthropy […]

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17 Juli 2017 | News,

The NewGen, what expectations and added value?

This was the central issue that was addressed during a workshop conducted by Etienne Eichenberger, President of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation on the occasion of the 16th “Symposium des fondations” organized in Geneva on 7 June 2017 by SwissFoundations, the association of the swiss grant-making foundations. Philanthropy is in motion, just like the actors who make […]

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11 Juli 2017 | News,

Measure first-hand the impact of a sheltered fund

The Fund Action Laos sheltered by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation targets the educational development of disadvantaged villages in Laos. The target for 2018 is to support 450 underprivileged young people and the improvement of living conditions for 1’453 families. To this end, the Fund is supporting three organisations in this country: Pencils of promise, PADETC and […]

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14 Juni 2017 | Presse,

„L’apport de la NewGen dans la philanthropie“: L’AGEFI, le jeudi 8 juin 2017

Swissfoundations. Record de participation pour le 16e Symposium des fondations suisses hier à Genève, avec plus de 400 participants. Focus sur un atelier dédié à la NewGen. Qu’est-ce qui distingue les philanthropes de la nouvelle génération (NewGen) ? Premièrement, ils ne se définissent pas eux-mêmes comme des « philanthropes », préférant parler « d’engagement ». […]

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04 Juni 2017 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated to the 8th GFSI edition, the Geneva Forum For Sustainable Investment which took place in Geneva on 1st June 2017

This event has been the occasion to reveal some data of the annual study led by Swiss Sustainable Finance on the sustainable investment market in Switzerland, which increased by 39% this year. Today, the authorities seem more sensitive to the topic of sustainable investment, such as the Federal Council that mentions it in its new […]

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