11 Juli 2017 | News,

Measure first-hand the impact of a sheltered fund

The Fund Action Laos sheltered by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation targets the educational development of disadvantaged villages in Laos. The target for 2018 is to support 450 underprivileged young people and the improvement of living conditions for 1’453 families. To this end, the Fund is supporting three organisations in this country: Pencils of promise, PADETC and […]

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14 Juni 2017 | Presse,

„L’apport de la NewGen dans la philanthropie“: L’AGEFI, le jeudi 8 juin 2017

Swissfoundations. Record de participation pour le 16e Symposium des fondations suisses hier à Genève, avec plus de 400 participants. Focus sur un atelier dédié à la NewGen. Qu’est-ce qui distingue les philanthropes de la nouvelle génération (NewGen) ? Premièrement, ils ne se définissent pas eux-mêmes comme des « philanthropes », préférant parler « d’engagement ». […]

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04 Juni 2017 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated to the 8th GFSI edition, the Geneva Forum For Sustainable Investment which took place in Geneva on 1st June 2017

This event has been the occasion to reveal some data of the annual study led by Swiss Sustainable Finance on the sustainable investment market in Switzerland, which increased by 39% this year. Today, the authorities seem more sensitive to the topic of sustainable investment, such as the Federal Council that mentions it in its new […]

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09 Mai 2017 | Presse,

„La collaboration philanthropique pour plus d’impact“: L’AGEFI, le vendredi 17 mars 2017

Fondations abritantes et collaboration : mutualiser les ressources, bénéficier d’économies d’échelles et maximiser l’impact philanthropique comme objectif.

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04 Mai 2017 | News,

Facilitating access to job employment for young people: Exchange of good practices in Hanoi between 13 participating organisations

As part of its “Education and Employment” thematic Fund, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation offers a non-financial added value by giving to the organisations supported by the Fund to meet and to share their experiences and good practices. The Foundation has organised a 4-day collective intelligence workshop in Hanoi which brought together 13 beneficiary organisations from all […]

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12 April 2017 | News,

On tour 2017: Collaborative fund between family foundations

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation organized a breakfast on the theme of collaboration in philanthropy at the Impact Hub Geneva on 21 March 2017. A highly topical subject, as impact and collaboration are recurring topics in all conversations. This debate, animated in a vivid and pertinent way by Tibère Adler, Avenir Suisse’s Director for French-speaking Switzerland, presented […]

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12 April 2017 | News,

On tour 2017: The hosted fund as an alternative to the classical foundation?

A conference on foundations of public utility was held in Lausanne on Thursday 16 March 2017. This conference was part of the series of events organized in the French-speaking Switzerland by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation on the theme „Is philanthropy for you? „. It gathered about thirty participants in the warm and welcoming offices of Fiduciaire Michel […]

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22 Februar 2017 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation Video

Sie möchten verstehen was ein philanthropische Namens-Fonds ist ? Sehen Sie unsere neue Video an, die diese Lösung einfach erklärt :

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14 November 2016 | News,

Zweites Treffen des NewGen Council

Das zweite Treffen des NewGen Council fand von 15.-17. September 2016 in London statt. Die Swiss Philanthropy Foundation unterstützt dieses Projekt im Rahmen ihres Themen-Fonds „Förderung der Philanthropie in Zusammenarbeit mit WISE – philanthropy advisors. Das zweite Treffen ermöglichte die Weiterführung des Prozesses, der im Februar in Genf mit der neuen, aus der ganzen Welt […]

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13 September 2016 | News,

Jahresbericht 2015

Die Swiss Philanthropy Foundation freut sich, Sie über die Veröffentlichung ihres Jahresberichts 2015 zu informieren. Die Veröffentlichung bietet eine gute Gelegenheit, auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken – das für die Stiftung gleichbedeutend mit Erfolg und Entwicklung war. Dieser Aufschwung war von wichtigen Entwicklungen in der Struktur und Governance der Swiss Philanthropy Foundation gekennzeichnet – aber […]

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