12 Januar 2023 | News,

SPF blog on Le Temps platform | „Philanthropy for a V.I.C.A. world“, by Simon Mériaux

In a new article on our blog hosted by Le Temps, Simon Mériaux shares ideas drawn from his experience at the MAVA Foundation in order to demonstrate a virtuous philanthropy that effectively responds to the concomitant crises that the planet is undergoing, a world that can be described as V.I.C.A.: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. […]

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11 Januar 2023 | Blog le Temps, Die Rolle der Philanthropie in einer krisengeschüttelten Welt,

Simon Mériaux – Une philanthropie pour un monde V.I.C.A. ! 

Il est indéniable que nous vivons depuis plusieurs années dans un monde V.I.C.A. : Volatile, Incertain, Complexe et Ambigü. Des problèmes économiques et sociaux fleurissent un peu partout. L’appétit de l’humanité va grandissant et les pressions sur les systèmes naturels ne cessent de s’intensifier. Le réchauffement du climat constitue un défi inédit. La récente pandémie […]

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09 Januar 2023 | News,

Sabrina Grassi to take over as President of SwissFoundations in June 2023

Lukas von Orelli, President of SwissFoundations since 2016, will hand over his mandate to Sabrina Grassi, a member of the Board since 2020, at the General Assembly on 6 June 2023. At the same time, the Board of SwissFoundations is being reorganised. The reorganisation of the Board was initiated in view of the current size […]

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12 Dezember 2022 | Presse,

Bilan | Contribution by Sabrina Grassi : „Switzerland, global hub for ocean philanthropy

In its new supplement dedicated to philanthropy, the magazine Bilan proposes an article entitled „Switzerland, a global hub for ocean philanthropy“. Sabrina Grassi, General Director of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, explains this phenomenon by two factors: the link between glaciers and lakes and the oceans via rivers, and Switzerland’s international role. „The fact that we don’t […]

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08 Dezember 2022 | News,

The Foundation’s team spends a day with DEMARCHE

Every year, our team lends a hand to an organization as the holidays approach. Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE – philanthropy advisors spent a day with DEMARCHE – a cooperative society in Lausanne, active in training and support for the reintegration of professionals looking for work. During the morning, we participated in the collection and […]

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30 November 2022 | News,

BCV Philanthropy : Interview with Sabrina Grassi

Philanthropy goes far beyond the conventional wisdom. It is not the sole preserve of the very wealthy. More and more people with an entrepreneurial profile are now embarking on a philanthropic project, as well as people wishing to develop a family philanthropy. High-value-added support solutions exist if you wish to become a donor. How to […]

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23 November 2022 | Presse,

BSL Magazine | Contribution of Sabrina Grassi : „Philanthropy : new trends and solutions to facilitate access to philanthropy“

In a new article published in the latest edition of BSL Magazine (Banking in Switzerland and Luxembourg), Sabrina Grassi, General Director of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, gives an overview of current developments in philanthropy. These include changes in donor profiles and in the way philanthropists deploy their commitment and the goals they pursue. Secondly, she explains […]

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22 November 2022 | Blog le Temps, Die Rolle der Philanthropie in einer krisengeschüttelten Welt,

Mathilde Appia – Monde en rupture : les jeunes appellent à l’action 

Je suis triste de compter les moments volés par une météo anormale, les espèces disparues, les morts. Je suis en colère de ne pas avoir le droit de vivre de manière insouciante et de me questionner à la moindre de mes consommations alors que d’autres n’en ont rien à faire. Je suis terrorisée par cette […]

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22 November 2022 | News,

SPF blog on the Le Temps platform | “ Monde en rupture : les jeunes appellent à l’action „, by Mathilde Appia

In a new article on our blog hosted by Le Temps, Mathilde Appia, co-director of a foundation active in professional integration, expresses her great concern about the lack of collective awareness in the face of the many crises the world is currently facing. As a young person, she expresses her fear, sadness and anger towards […]

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10 November 2022 | News,

Appointement of Marc Salzmann as Partnership Manager

In order to strengthen its Development Department, the Foundation’s management has appointed Marc Salzmann to the position of Partnership Manager. Marc joined the Foundation in 2021 as a Project Administrator, and has held the position of Partnership Manager since November 1, 2022. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic development of the Foundation […]

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