25 August 2022 | News,

Activity report 2020-2021

Discover our new activity report! We are pleased to share our bi-annual activity report, looking back on the years 2020 and 2021 of the Foundation. We present the figures and highlights of these two years, which are part of a period of strong growth. This growth is expressed on the one hand by the donations […]

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25 August 2022 | News,

10th edition of the Master Class in Philanthropy

From Wednesday 22 August to Friday 26 August 2022, we were pleased to welcome the participants of the 10th edition of the Master Class in Philanthropy, organised in partnership with the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) – Universität Basel and the Centre en philanthropie (GCP) – UNIGE. A rich programme is proposed during three days, […]

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16 August 2022 | News,

Launch of the LGBTI Youth Fund and job opening

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the LGBTI Youth Fund, an independent philanthropic fund supported by Oak Foundation. Hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, The Fund has the vision that Switzerland is an inclusive society where all young people can freely define and express their gender identities and sexual orientations and have […]

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29 Juni 2022 | News,

Lecture in the Advocacy in International Affairs program – IHEID

On Wednesday, June 29, Lucile Bula, Head of Operations at Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, gave a lecture on philanthropy and its advocacy issues as part of the „Advocacy in International Affairs“ program at IHEID. This included an explanation of what philanthropy is, as well as the trends we are observing at Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and how […]

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28 Juni 2022 | News,

CIFE Master Class

Anne-Cathrine Frogg Spadola and Laurent Douek, Board members of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, had the pleasure to deliver the 4th edition of their master class at the Joint Master Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) and EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy (EUDIPLO) of CIFE-Centre international de formation européenne international de formation européenne and Luiss School […]

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27 Juni 2022 | News,

Strategic retreat for Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation team comes out enthusiastic and stimulated by two days spent in the Lavaux region during a strategic and teambuilding retreat. During the first day, which took place in the peaceful setting of Crêt-Bérard, we reflected together on the concrete actions to be taken to implement the Foundation’s 2022-2025 strategy. Everyone was able […]

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07 Juni 2022 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is recruiting a Project Administrator

Building on the growth of its philanthropic hosted funds, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation wishes to reinforce its team with a Project Administrator (100%) for the administration and operational follow-up of several hosted funds. The mission of this post will be to ensure the administrative and operational management of a sheltered funds portfolio. This position includes the […]

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07 Juni 2022 | News,

Participation of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation in the first Philea Forum

The first Philea Forum took place from May 30th to June 1st on the theme „Philanthropy United – The Time Is Now“. Organized by Philea – Philanthropy Europe Association, this event brought together many philanthropy professionals from all over Europe. Lucile Bula, Head of Operations at Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, participated in the Forum. She attended […]

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12 Mai 2022 | News,

Blog SPF on the platform Le Temps | “ Collaboration and philanthropy or the virtues of playing in the zone „, by Martial Paris

In a new article on our blog hosted by Le Temps, Martial Paris, Managing Partner of WISE – philanthropy advisors, makes a clever comparison between the „zone game“ in sports and collaboration in philanthropy. He presents the three levels of collaboration in philanthropy that he observes on a daily basis as a philanthropy advisor, as […]

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05 Mai 2022 | Blog le Temps, Die Rolle der Philanthropie in einer krisengeschüttelten Welt,

Martial Paris – Collaboration et philanthropie ou les vertus du jeu en zone

La collaboration en philanthropie requiert les mêmes vertus que le jeu en zone dans le sport. Une petite explication pour les non-initiés : dans le jeu en zone, chaque joueur est responsable d’une zone de terrain à défendre, à l’opposé du jeu en individuel dont le principe est que chaque joueur garde un adversaire spécifique. […]

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