21 April 2022 | News,

Closure of the Education and Employment Thematic Fund project with the 1951 Association

The thematic fund Education and Employment, hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, supported the project entitled „Sustainable integration of refugees in Switzerland“, led by the Association 1951, for 3 years. This project, which ended in March 2022, was selected and monitored by WISE – philanthropy advisors and co-financed by the Cantonal Office for the Integration of […]

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07 April 2022 | News,

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation welcomes two new staff members

This first quarter of 2022, the Foundation has welcomed two new members to its team: Constance Chaix joins us as Communications Officer, and Marion Aberlé takes on the temporary position of Administrative Coordinator, supporting the Administrative and Financial Director. The Foundation is delighted with these new arrivals. The reinforcement of the team allows us to […]

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31 März 2022 | News,

Verbier Festival Philanthropy Forum 2022 : program announcement

In, 2021 this debate explored ways in which the power of philanthropy can be harnessed for the planet. For the 2022 edition, the discussion centres on ‘How can philanthropy be more impactful in an age of disruption?’. The event will take place on Saturday July 23, from 3 to 4:30 pm at the Verbier Cinema. […]

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24 März 2022 | Blog le Temps, Und noch mehr...,

Marc Salzmann – Ukraine : l’importance du réseautage pour un impact à échelle humaine 

Marc Salzmann, ancien collaborateur chez Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, a pris l’initiative personnelle de se rendre à la frontière entre l’Ukraine et la Pologne pour aider 8 réfugiées ukrainiennes à rejoindre des familles d’accueil en Suisse. Cet article de blog relate son récit personnel et ses réflexions autour des élans de générosité en lien avec cette […]

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24 März 2022 | News,

SPF blog on the Le Temps platform | “Ukraine: the importance of networking for a human-scale impact”, by Marc Salzmann (in French only)

Marc Salzmann, an employee of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, took the personal initiative to go to the border between Ukraine and Poland to help 8 Ukrainian refugees to join host families in Switzerland. In an article on our blog hosted by Le Temps, he recounts his personal journey and his thoughts on the outpouring of generosity […]

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21 März 2022 | News,

We are looking for our next Young Talent

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE philanthropy advisors are seeking a Junior Project Coordinator for their „Programme Jeune Talent“. Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE philanthropy advisors have partnered to create the „Programme Jeune Talent (PJT)“ to offer young graduates with little or no professional experience an opportunity to acquire professional skills and develop their knowledge of […]

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16 März 2022 | News,

In solidarity with Ukraine, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation provides support for philanthropists to express their generosity

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that, as of March 15, 2022, more than 3 million people had fled the country. If the situation continues to deteriorate, up to 12 million people inside Ukraine and 4 million refugees from Ukraine will need assistance and protection. Touched by the magnitude of this human tragedy, Swiss […]

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07 März 2022 | News,

Launch of the donor collaborative Early Childhood Regional Networks Fund

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of the Early Childhood Regional Networks Fund donor collaborative established by Oak Foundation, the Open Society Foundations and Porticus. In the process of joining are The Human Safety Net and The Two Lillies Fund.  Hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, the fund aims to support early childhood development by providing funding that empowers the […]

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03 März 2022 | News,

Our TGE partners in countries bordering Ukraine are taking action

As border countries that have now seen thousands of Ukrainian refugees cross their borders and heard the call for help from neighboring Ukrainian charities, our Transational Giving Europe (TGE) partners have put in place solutions to address this conflict. Our partners in Hungary (Carpathian Foundation Hungary) and Slovakia (Carpathian Foundation Slovakia) have joined forces to […]

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24 Februar 2022 | News,

Sabrina Grassi and Lucile Bula represented Swiss Philanthropy Foundation in two public events

At the beginning of the year, the Foundation was represented at two public events: Sabrina Grassi, Executive Director of the Foundation, participated in the webinar organized by the ESSEC Chair in Philanthropy „The governance of grant-making foundation. Common pitfalls and best practices“, with Prof. Georg von Schnurbein, Director of the Center for Philanthropy Studies at […]

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