
Mai 2020

Radio LAC | Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Discover the interview of Etienne Eichenberger in Radio LAC aired on May 1st, 2020. The opportunity to talk about the collaboration of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Foundation, in the fight against Covid-19, thanks to the donations collected in favour of the Covid19 Solidarity Response Fund. […]

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April 2020

SPF Blog on Le Temps | „Will today’s temporary solutions shape tomorrow’s world?“ by Camille Andres

Our new pandemic world has generated unprecedented creativity. These innovations have several features in common. They are voluntary and they create bonds. Specialists, students and entrepreneurs have chosen to respond to the emergency by creating new forms of solidarity on the scale of a neighbourhood or a region. But are these innovations sustainable? What future […]

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April 2020

Rapid Support Fund COVID-19

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a collaborative fund to support NGOs whose activities are impacted by the pandemic, the „COVID-19 Rapid Support Fund“. Thanks to the strong mobilization of donors and a matching-fund mechanism by SPF, a fund of CHF 500,000 has been raised in record time. The impact of […]

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April 2020

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is hiring a Projet Administrator | Applications are now closed.

With strong growth of its sheltered funds, the Foundation wishes to strengthen its team and is looking for : A Project Administrator attached to the General Management for the operational and administrative management of Sheltered Funds. Application deadline: Friday 15 May 2020. To apply, please send your application to the recruitment agency (Alec Allan & […]

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April 2020

Verbier Festival Emergency Relief Fund

Long-time partner of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, the Verbier Festival announces the creation of a new fund to provide emergency relief to unemployed Verbier Festival Academy alumni — solo, chamber and orchestral instrumentalists, singers, conductors — and alumni Festival production and technical crew facing lost income because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The current global health […]

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April 2020

SPF Blog on Le Temps | „Local generosity on the rise thanks to Covid-19“ by Camille Andres

Donations and generosity are exploding in this Covid-19 period. With one particularity: they „relocate“, stimulating local communities. The university hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva are overwhelmed by donations. In such a consequent way that it was necessary to create a mutual aid fund to structure the reception of all the marks of generosity. Voluntary technological […]

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April 2020

SPF Blog on Le Temps | „COVID-19: a crash test for NGOs and donors“ by Martial Paris

The consequences for the economy are still being assessed, but what about support for NGOs, in Switzerland or elsewhere, and through them, aid to the most disadvantaged ? What are their response capacities? For many NGOs, the impacts are major, as they offer a range of services that are directly impacted by the containment measures. […]

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April 2020

WHO joins forces with the United Nations Foundation and Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, AGEFI

The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the first and only fund for individuals, companies and institutions to contribute to the global response to COVID-19. To expand the global donor network, WHO has partnered with two charitable foundations: Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and United Nations Foundation. Both foundations will receive donations, which will then be used […]

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März 2020

Blog SPF sur la plateforme du Temps | „Je peux pas, j’ai collecte de sang !“ de Pascal Hufschmid, Directeur du CICR

Donner son sang ? Connaître son groupe sanguin ? Alors qu’il accompagne un groupe de visiteurs invités au Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (MICR) dont il est le directeur, Pascal Hufschmid lit à haute voix le titre d’une affiche de la dernière exposition temporaire : « Le sang – le don de la vie ». […]

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März 2020

Un fonds contre le coronavirus lancé via Genève, Le Temps

Retrouvez le Fonds Covid19 dans les colonnes du journal Le Temps, avec le témoignage d’Etienne Eichenberger, président de Swiss Philanthropy Foundation. „Nous mettons notre infrastructure et notre savoir-faire à disposition de cette initiative et des donateurs pour faciliter la collecte de dons et les transmettre à l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS)“ explique Etienne Eichenberger. […]

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