
November 2018

14th EVPA Annual Conference ‘New Frontiers for Impact’ is taking place in Warsaw, Poland between 29 and 30 November 2018.

The ella fund is proud to be an active participant at the 2018 conference of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), taking place in Warsaw today and tomorrow. In addition to attending the conference for the second straight year, the ella fund is hosting a round table within the Global Solutions Room session on the […]

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November 2018

Master Class 2018 : Success of the 6th edition of the intensive course in Foundation Management

Organized by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation in partnership with the Center for Philanthropy Studies of Basel (CEPS), in association for the first time with the Centre in philanthropy of Geneva University (UNIGE), the training in foundation management, renamed Master Class, took place from 12 to 14 November 2018 in Geneva, and brought together 24 participants. Sonia […]

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November 2018

Master Class 2018: What has changed in philanthropy in the last 10 years?

Launch today of the 6th edition of the Master Class in Foundation Management, with the Center for Philanthropy Studies Basel (CEPS) and in collaboration with the Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva (UNIGE). The training started this morning at UNIGE and this year brings together 24 participants. In an interactive format, the presence […]

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Oktober 2018

Milestone Conference: the potential of cross-border philanthropy

To better understand and relay the tools available for philanthropists were the core objectives of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation through both events organized on October 17th for its presidency of the TGE network. A workshop dedicated to fundraising in Europe was organized, with the participation of more than 18 major institutions in Switzerland active in the […]

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Oktober 2018

TGE Encounter of members foundations’ tops-leaders in Geneva

For the first time since its creation in 1998, a meeting of the tops-leaders of the member foundations of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network took place in Geneva on October 17th. The event offered the opportunity for discussions about the challenges, the opportunities and the mission of a major philanthropic actor in the facilitation of […]

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September 2018

Master Class novembre 2018 – Fondations : nouvelle(s) génération(s)?

In 2018, after 5 editions and nearly 150 participants in Romandie, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation organises the Master Class 2018, together with the Center for Philanthropy Studies of Basel University (CEPS) and in collaboration with the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva (UNIGE).   Who should attend? This training is intended primarily for […]

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August 2018

Basel Convention on Philanthropy, Am 19. / 20. November 2018

Am 19. / 20. November 2018 findet in Basel die 1. Basel Convention on Philanthropy statt. Im Rahmen einer zweitägigen Veranstaltungen, die unter dem Motto „a plea for collaboration“ steht, werden aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und die Rolle der Philanthropie darin thematisiert. Hochkarätige Keynote-Speakers und spannende Podiumsdiskussionen werden begleitet von World Cafés und Unconferences, um allen […]

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Juli 2018

Success for the 2018 Philanthropy Forum of Verbier

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation took part in the Festival of Verbier during the 2018 Philanthropy Forum event on the 21st and 22nd July, as part of the Unlimited programme, in collaboration with the Verbier Festival Foundation. The Round Tables, moderated by Etienne Eichenberger, gathered more than 200 people, while the themes of education and transmission were […]

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Juni 2018

Biennial Report 2016-2017

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to share its Biennial Report presenting the activities over the past two years, during which the Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. An important focus of the Foundation in the 24 months covered by the report was to promote philanthropy in French-speaking Switzerland. 14 new personal philanthropic foundations were created over […]

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Juni 2018

NEXUS 2018 : Accelerate your impact !

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated to the annual NEXUS Summit in Rotterdam from 24 to 26 April 2018. The Summit’s objective is to connect the financial, intellectual, creative and social capital of our generation in an action-oriented, solutions-focused community. This year, the event brought together more than 100 young philanthropists, impact investors, social entrepreneurs and social […]

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