
November 2023

A look back at our „European Philanthropy: overcoming barriers“ event in Zurich

The „European Philanthropy: overcoming barriers“ event, which took place on October 26 at the ETH Student Project House in Zurich, kicked off with a workshop designed specifically for Swiss non-profit organizations raising funds in Europe. Its aim was to explore effective philanthropic solutions and provide an overview of tax considerations for cross-border giving in Europe. […]

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Oktober 2023

Transnational Giving Europe – 2023 steering committee in Toledo

The 2023 Steering Committee of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network was held from October 18 to 20, 2023 in Toledo, Spain. The network comprises 19 member countries across Europe. It promotes European philanthropy and facilitates cross-border donations. Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, which has represented the network in Switzerland since 2008, was present at this event […]

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Oktober 2023

The Foundation welcomes two new employees

The Foundation welcomes two new employees We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation team. Caroline Daudin joined the Foundation as Administrative Coordinator in July 2023. With a wealth of experience in administrative management within international companies, Caroline assists the Administrative and Financial Management in the follow-up of accounting and […]

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Oktober 2023

„Demaimpact“ collaborative initiative: call for participants

The Demaimpact collaborative fund (formerly known as Ensemble et Maintenant), launched by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation alongside three other foundations, enables young people from all backgrounds and walks of life to get involved in philanthropy by selecting projects carried out by and for young people. A real laboratory, the project aims to involve young people from […]

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Oktober 2023

Transparenz und Solidarität motivieren die Auslandschweizer-innen zu Grosszügigkeit

Die Swiss Philanthropy Foundation und die Auslandschweizer-Organisation (ASO), SwissCommunity, haben gfs.bern mit einer Umfrage beauftragt, um die Grosszügigkeit der Auslandschweizer:innen besser zu verstehen. Der Fokus lag dabei auf den individuellen Werthaltungen der Auslandschweizer:innen und ihrer Verbindung zur Schweiz, aber auch auf ihrem Spendenverhalten und der Spendenmotivation. Die eidgenössischen Wahlen 2019 und die anschliessend durchgeführten Analysen […]

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Oktober 2023

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participates in Building Bridges

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated in the Summit and Actions Days of the Building Bridges conference, held this week in Geneva. Building Bridges is a collaborative event that aims to advance sustainable finance in Switzerland and around the world, addressing the twin crises of climate and nature, worsening social inequalities and how to mobilize capital to […]

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Oktober 2023

Ticino Welcome | Interview mit Sabrina Grassi

„Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, immer nah an allen Spendern“. Sabrina Grassi, Geschäftsführerin der Swiss Philanthropy Foundation und Präsidentin von SwissFoundations, wurde von Elisa Bortoluzzi Dubach vom schweizerisch-italienischen Magazin Ticino Welcome interviewt. Der Artikel, der am 27. September 2023 erschien, zeichnet insbesondere die Entwicklung und die wichtigsten Momente in der Entwicklung unserer Stiftung nach, die historisch gesehen […]

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September 2023

European Philanthropy: overcoming barriers – panel discussion and workshop

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Veranstaltungen nur in englischer Sprache im ETH Student Project House in Zürich stattfinden. How to overcome barriers in giving and receiving? Philanthropic engagement has a crucial role to play to cope with today’s challenges in an increasingly disruptive environment. New ways of giving practices must be explored to shape and […]

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September 2023

In solidarity with Morocco, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation offers resources for philanthropists to express their generosity

Morocco was hit by a powerful earthquake on the night of September 8-9, 2023, the strongest ever measured in the country. The death toll now stands at over 2,900. Moved by the scale of this tragedy, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation wishes to show its solidarity with Morocco by listing the initiatives launched by our network of […]

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August 2023

Video testimonial of a collaborative initiative hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

To what extent do you think collaboration can make a difference in philanthropy? What is your organization’s role in the S2Cities: Safe and Sound Cities‘ collaborative intiative? What are the advantages of choosing Swiss Philanthropy Foundation as a fiscal sponsor? Discover the answers to these questions and more in our video interview with Eva Moldovanyi […]

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