
August 2023

Alliance Magazine | Interview with Sabrina Grassi and Marc Salzmann

In an interview with British magazine Alliance, Sabrina Grassi, Director General of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, and Marc Salzmann, Head of Partnerships, talk about the umbrella foundation model, as well as the Swiss foundation landscape and trends. New models for philanthropic vehicles are also discussed, such as donor advised funds, collaborative funds and fiscal sponsorship for […]

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Juli 2023

Umfrage über die Grosszügigkeit von Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizern

Wie grosszügig sind die Auslandschweizer und Auslandschweizerinnen? Dies ist eine der Fragen, die Swiss Philanthropy Foundation und die Auslandschweizer-Organisation SwissCommunity umtreibt. Aus diesem Grund haben sie gemeinsam das Institut gfs.bern beauftragt, eine Umfrage über die Werte und das Verhalten der Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer in Bezug auf Grosszügigkeit und Spenden durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage sollen […]

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Juni 2023

Netzwerk Transnational Giving Europe: Kennzahlen 2022

Philanthropie kennt keine Grenzen! Swiss Philanthropy Foundation ist der einzige Schweizer Vertreter des Netzwerks Transnational Giving Europe (TGE). Das 1998 gegründete Netzwerk hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, grenzüberschreitende Spenden zu erleichtern und die europäische Philanthropie zu fördern. Derzeit hat es 19 Mitgliedsstaaten, die von den wichtigsten europäischen Stiftungen und Verbänden vertreten werden. Im Jahr 2022 […]

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Juni 2023

Discover our 2022 Overview !

At a time when we have been enthusiastically implementing our new strategic plan for several months now, we are publishing our Overview of 2022. Year after year, we observe the constantly increasing generosity of the donors who put their trust in us. In 2022, the Foundation distributed CHF 37 million in grants to 500 beneficiary […]

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Mai 2023

Visit of the association Camarada

In order to better understand the themes supported by some of our hosted funds, including our thematic funds, we periodically participate in visits to organizations. Last week, at the invitation of WISE – philanthropy advisors, members of our team visited the premises of the Camarada association in Carouge. This association, which has been active for […]

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Mai 2023

Transnational Giving Europe – Spring Steering Committee in Brussels

The partners of the Transnational Giving Europe network met last week in Brussels for the Spring Steering Committee, one of the two annual steering meetings. These meetings are an opportunity to exchange with our European colleagues, review the network’s activities and set development goals for the year. Here are some significant data that emerged from […]

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April 2023

The Ensemble et Maintenant initiative launches its call for projects!

A few months after the launch of the innovative collaborative initiative „Ensemble et maintenant“, hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, the first call for projects is open. The first of its kind in Switzerland, this collaborative initiative was launched by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation together with three other foundations. It allows young people from all walks of […]

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April 2023

Nous recrutons notre prochain-e Jeune Talent 2023-2024 !

Pour la troisième année consécutive, WISE – philanthropy advisors et Swiss Philanthropy Foundation recherchent leur prochain-e Jeune Talent ! Les métiers de la philanthropie vous intriguent et vous souhaitez évoluer au sein d’une équipe de passioné-e-s ? Vous souhaitez aligner votre parcours professionnel à vos intérêts personnels ? Swiss Philanthropy Foundation et WISE philanthropy advisors se sont associés pour créer le Programme Jeune […]

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März 2023

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation on tour in the US

During a week-long trip to the United States, Sabrina Grassi, Director General, and Marc Salzmann, Partnership Manager at Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, met with some 15 public benefit organizations, including donor-advised funds and fiscal sponsors of philanthropic initiatives in New York City and Washington D. C. They also met with universities to support the philanthropy of […]

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März 2023

Steering commitee of the Early Childhood Regional Networks fund

Pauline Joiris, Project Administrator at Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, went to Venice for the Steering Committee meeting of the Early Childhood Regional Networks Fund. This collaborative fund is hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and gathers international donor foundations such as Porticus, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundation, and The Human Safety Net. They join their forces to […]

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