Je connais bien les deux versants de la relation philanthropique, ayant tour à tour été dans la position du demandeur et dans celle de membre d’un conseil de fondation appelé à statuer sur des demandes de dons. Du point de vue du bénéficiaire, donner semble un geste simple. Mais comme l’a dit Bill Gates, « […]
Read the article“Who is in charge? The question of power in philanthropic relationships” Georg von Schnurbein, guest of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation Blog on the “Le Temps” platform, explores this question. ” Foundations are only as good as their recipients” Based on the latest “Grantee Review Report” from the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of […]
Read the articleFollowing recent developments at the Foundation, marked in particular by the growth in the number of hosted funds and the strengthening of our institutional partnerships, we are delighted to announce that the team is growing with the arrival of Arline Brisemur as Project Administrator and Nicolas Cuendet as Head of Partnerships. This is the opportunity […]
Read the articleDans le contexte si particulier que nous traversons, les élans de générosité et de solidarité n’ont jamais été aussi nombreux, comme en témoignent les derniers chiffres du réseau TGE – “Transnational Giving Europe” dont Swiss Philanthropy Foundation est le représentant pour la Suisse. Sur l’ensemble des activités du réseau en 2020, on relève un accroissement […]
Read the articleLe Fonds d’aide rapide COVID-19, créé par Swiss Philanthropy Foundation au printemps 2020, vient en aide aux ONG partenaires de longue date dont les activités ont été impactées par la pandémie. Grâce à la forte mobilisation de donateurs et d’un mécanisme de « matching funds » par SPF, un fonds de CHF 690’000.- a été […]
Read the articleAn avalanche of donations, new initiatives, mobilisation of companies, Philanthropy has experienced an unprecedented boom in these recent months. How do you explain this impulse of solidarity? To answer this question, Etienne Eichenberger, President of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, was one of the guests on the last 3D ECO programme broadcasted the 21st of February […]
Read the articleAnne-Cathrine Frogg and Laurent Douek, members of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation Board of Trustees as well as Lucile Bula, project administrator within the team, will speak as part of a module devoted to sustainable development of the Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs. Organised jointly by CIFE and the School of Government at […]
Read the articleThe fifth COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund Impact Report is available and looks back on the Fund’s allocations from October 1 to December 31, 2020. During this period, the Fund contributed USD 4.7 million to the World Health Organization ( WHO) and its partners, bringing the total disbursements to USD 224 million. The report highlights the […]
Read the articleThis Thursday, 4th february 2021, the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is participating in the conference “News from foundations and NPOs during the Coronavirus crisis”, organised by the French-speaking branch of proFonds. This event is an opportunity to provide an overview of the latest news, particularly the legal ones, from Swiss foundations and non-profit associations. The speakers […]
Read the articleWhat legal systems and practices are most conducive to supporting and strengthening the philanthropic sector? Giedre Lideikyte Huber, guest of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation Blog on the Le Temps platform, explores this question. Based on the latest OECD report on the taxation of philanthropy, the author shares three lines of thought for Switzerland. We invite […]
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