Alors qu’elle n’a longtemps été discutée que dans des cercles académiques restreints, la fiscalité de la philanthropie suscite depuis peu une attention marquée. Cela découle notamment de tendances globales ainsi que d’événements plus ponctuels (dont évidemment la pandémie actuelle) qui encouragent la collecte massive de fonds caritatifs. Certaines estimations évaluent la philanthropie à près de […]
Read the articleEn mars, ma fille ainée de 15 ans me demandait si l’épidémie du Covid19 entrerait dans l’histoire avec un grand « H ». J’aurais été alors bien en peine d’anticiper ces mois éprouvants que nous avons tous vécu, qui marqueront sans nul doute les histoires de chacun d’entre nous. Ces dernières semaines, nous avons pu […]
Read the articleWe would like to inform you that Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE philanthropy advisors are moving their offices. We thank you in advance for taking note of our new address to update your database: Place de Cornavin 2 1211 Geneva 1 Post office box and phone numbers of each organisation remain the same. We invite […]
Read the articleIn its 2020 edition of the series “The 300 richest in Switzerland”, the magazine Bilan devoted a dossier on philanthropy and the strong mobilization of donors for health, reinforced by the current health emergency context. Etienne Eichenberger contributed to this notebook by reviewing in particular the collaboration of the foundation he chairs Swiss Philanthropy Foundation […]
Read the articleCreated in 2016, this philanthropic fund aims to promote the empowerment of women and girls around the world by improving their access to education, health care and entrepreneurship. Biologist and successful entrepreneur, Erin Gainer is the founder. Alongside her family, she sits on the Steering Committee, while being very involved in the implementation and monitoring […]
Read the articleTeams from the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) and Swiss Philanthropy Foundation spoke with Marina Anselme, Secretary General of the MSC Foundation, a public utility organization member of the Transnational Giving Europe network. The opportunity to discuss the activities carried out by the organization and its development prospects. But also the advantages and opportunities represented by […]
Read the articleOn the occasion of “Giving Tuesday”, day of generosity, we tried to answer this question, by giving the floor to François Dermange, guest of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation Blog on the Le Temps platform. In his testimony, which is both contemporary and timeless, he gives us his thoughts on the motivations for generosity, notably through […]
Read the articleLes études de neuro-imagerie le montrent : le comportement généreux procure du plaisir et, par sa connexion à d’autres zones du cerveau, participe à créer une sensation de bonheur. Cela fait-il de la recherche du plaisir la motivation à donner ? Certains le pensent, qui trouvent là une justification empirique aux thèses avancées voici deux […]
Read the articleMaître Loïc Pfister is the guest of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation blog on the Temps platform. In his testimony, he gives us his personal reflections on generosity and addresses the challenges facing foundations today, in particular through the relevance and effectiveness of their actions. This Blog opens a new series of publications, where we wanted […]
Read the articleThis Thursday 26 November 2020, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation participated in the “Taxation and philanthropy” conference, organized by the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva (GCP). This international academic event offers experts from around the world a forum to meet and exchange national or regional knowledge and perspectives on the taxation of philanthropic […]
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