14 May 2019 | News,

Collaboration between the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and the State of Vaud for the professional integration of refugees

The Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new project under its “Education and Employment” thematic fund, whose objective is the professional integration of refugees. This project, carried out by the 1951 Association, is co-financed by the Office for the Integration of Foreigners and the Prevention of Racism (BCI) of […]

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24 April 2019 | News,

Partnership with the media “Le Temps”!

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce its collaboration with the media “Le Temps”  thanks to the launch of its institutional blog. The team is delighted with this new project and the upcoming publications, which will put forward the world of foundations and the major themes of philanthropy. We invite you to discover the first articles […]

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04 April 2019 | Le Temps blog's, Generosity and its transmission,

Etienne Eichenberger – Philanthropie : trois idées reçues que vous avez peut-être… (ou pas !) 

A l’heure où les nouvelles générations portent un regard critique sur l’engagement pour le bien commun, Etienne Eichenberger démonte une à une les idées reçues et apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la philanthropie d’aujourd’hui : partagée, multiforme, simple et vivante. Alors que je co-animais récemment une formation à Berlin sur la philanthropie, à l’attention des Millennials, […]

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02 April 2019 | Le Temps blog's, How to donate?,

Etienne Eichenberger – La philanthropie en mouvement 

Notre monde est en constante mutation sociologique, économique, technologique. Les défis sont nombreux, et ceux liés à l’équilibre social ou à la gestion de l’enjeu environnemental se sont profondément renforcés. A l’image de ces transformations, la philanthropie doit s’adapter, en continu pour contribuer à relever ces défis. Lorsque j’ai commencé mon métier de conseiller en […]

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14 March 2019 | News,

The TGE Network is growing

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is delighted to welcome Greece and its representative institution as a new member of the European network of cross-border donations, a testimony to its development. Founded in 2015, HIGGS is the first incubator for non-profit organizations in Greece, promoting their development through training, mentoring, networking and events. Discover HIGGS, our new reference […]

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13 March 2019 | News, Press,

Philanthropy: a Geneva success story

Discover the testimony of the President of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Etienne Eichenberger, in the latest 3D ECO programme released on March 12 2019 on Leman Bleu, an opportunity to discuss the latest evolutions in philanthropy and the role and place of Geneva in this development and these opportunities.  

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25 February 2019 | Press,

Geneva wants to become a global centre for philanthropy, AGEFI, Monday 18 February 2019

The opening of the new Chair in Behavioural Philanthropy at the University of Geneva reflects Geneva’s place and the development of this particular field. Swiss Philanthropry, through its President, welcomed in the columns of AGEFI the new perspectives offered to Geneva as a leading philanthropic centre, combining high value-added services with an eco-responsible and social […]

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18 February 2019 | News,

Center for Philanthropy Studies of the University of Basel | Online course «Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits» starting April 1st 2019

What are nonprofit organizations and what does social entrepreneurship mean? How can I achieve social innovation in a sustainable way? And how do I achieve long-lasting impact with my social project? Find the answer to these and many more questions in the FutureLearn online course«Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits». Over the course of five weeks, Prof. Dr. […]

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16 January 2019 | News,

Membership in the recognized SwissFoundations Network

From 1 January 2019, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation joins SwissFoundations. Voice of the public utility foundation in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the association of Grant Making Foundations has been committed since 2001 to represent their interests independently at the political and economic level. With its pioneering role as an umbrella foundation, the Board of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is […]

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11 January 2019 | Press,

For a Philanthropy in tune with its time

During this holiday season, Mediaplanet delivered a message of hope through its series of articles entitled “Soyez responsable” by questioning our relationship to giving and generosity with #GiveHope. On this occasion, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation entrusted its vision to the evolution of philanthropy and its practices. Today it is no longer a question of responding only to […]

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