12 September 2019 | News,

The advantages of the sheltered fund: Swiss Philanthropy Foundation presentation at the 2019 Foundations Forum

For its ninth edition, the next SwissFoundations Foundations Forum will be devoted to governance issues, a theme at the heart of current events in the foundation sector. Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is participating in the event and will be represented by its Director and President: Sabrina Grassi and Etienne Eichenberger, who will speak in plenary on […]

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12 August 2019 | News, Press,

La philanthropie, un concept mal compris, AGEFI, vendredi 26 juillet 2019

Pour la deuxième année consécutive et dans le cadre de la programmation Unlimited du Festival, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation a renouvelé sa collaboration avec la Fondation du Verbier Festival, en organisant la nouvelle édition du Verbier Festival Philanthropy Forum. Retour sur l’événement qui s’est déroulé le samedi 20 et dimanche 21 juillet 2019 à Verbier. Retrouvez […]

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26 July 2019 | News,

Success for the 2019 edition of the VF Philanthropy Forum during the Verbier Festival

For the second consecutive year and as part of the Festival’s Unlimited programme, the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation has renewed its collaboration with the Fondation du Verbier Festival, by organising the new edition of the Verbier Festival Philanthropy Forum. A look back at the event that took place on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July 2019 […]

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16 July 2019 | Le Temps blog's, And more...,

Marie Dolla – La philanthropie : un défricheur de la culture?

Avec plus de 20% des dons, la culture figure parmi les principaux bénéficiaires du mécénat, selon le rapport 2018 sur les fondations en Suisse. Mais pourquoi donner dans ce domaine spécifique et quelles sont les motivations des donateurs? Pourquoi donne-t-on et à qui ? Cette question philosophique, que se posent toutes les très grandes fortunes […]

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08 July 2019 | News,

Manifesto for a European Philanthropy

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls for a favourable environment for philanthropy and commits itself, through the signature of this manifesto, to promoting a single market for philanthropy within the European Union. To date, philanthropy in Europe includes 147,000 organisations equivalent to annual donations of nearly 60 billion euros. However, the regulatory challenges […]

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03 July 2019 | News,

Master Class 2019 : New success for the 7th edition of the Continuous Training in Foundation Management

Organized by the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, in partnership with the Center for Philanthropy Studies at the University of Basel (CEPS) and the Centre en philanthropie at the University of Geneva, the Master Class in Foundation Management took place from 17 to 19 June 2019 at Château de Bossey (VD). The 2019 Master Class brought together […]

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16 May 2019 | News,

Membership of SwissFoundations and proFonds recognized networks

Since 1st January 2019, the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation has been part of the SwissFoundations network, which represents nearly 160 members. As the voice of charitable foundations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the Association of Swiss Donor Foundations has been committed since 2001 to representing their interests independently in political and economic matters. In the same spirit […]

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14 May 2019 | News,

Collaboration between the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and the State of Vaud for the professional integration of refugees

The Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new project under its “Education and Employment” thematic fund, whose objective is the professional integration of refugees. This project, carried out by the 1951 Association, is co-financed by the Office for the Integration of Foreigners and the Prevention of Racism (BCI) of […]

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24 April 2019 | News,

Partnership with the media “Le Temps”!

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce its collaboration with the media “Le Temps”  thanks to the launch of its institutional blog. The team is delighted with this new project and the upcoming publications, which will put forward the world of foundations and the major themes of philanthropy. We invite you to discover the first articles […]

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04 April 2019 | Le Temps blog's, Generosity and its transmission,

Etienne Eichenberger – Philanthropie : trois idées reçues que vous avez peut-être… (ou pas !) 

A l’heure où les nouvelles générations portent un regard critique sur l’engagement pour le bien commun, Etienne Eichenberger démonte une à une les idées reçues et apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la philanthropie d’aujourd’hui : partagée, multiforme, simple et vivante. Alors que je co-animais récemment une formation à Berlin sur la philanthropie, à l’attention des Millennials, […]

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