20 December 2016 | News,

Bernard Vischer, partner in Schellenberg Wittmer, joins the Foundation Board

The Foundation Board of Trustees is delighted to welcome Bernard Vischer, a lawyer at the Geneva bar and a partner of Schellenberg Wittmer study in Geneva, among its members. Bernard was a managing partner from 2002 to 2007 and now heads the Private Clients Group. He is mainly active in the field of estate and […]

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15 November 2016 | News,

Second edition of the NewGen Council

The second edition of the “NewGen Council” took place from 15 to 17 September 2016 in London. This project is supported by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, in collaboration with WISE – philanthropy advisors, as part of its thematic fund “Promotion of Philanthropy”. This second round allowed to pursue the reflections and ideas initiated in February in […]

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15 November 2016 | News,

Conference about philanthropic foundations in Sion

On 8 November 2016, a conference on philanthropic foundations organized by Société Générale in partnership with the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation was held at the Maison FXB du Sauvetage in Sion. The event, which brought together key stakeholders from the philanthropy sector as well as over 30 participants, was part of the 10th anniversary of the […]

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13 September 2016 | News,

2015 Annual Report

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is delighted to announce the publication of our 2015 annual report. The year 2015 was one of growth and continued success for the Foundation, ushering in several important changes in the Foundation’s structure and governance, as well as further growth in the number of funds hosted. In 2016, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation celebrated […]

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27 June 2016 | News, Uncategorized,

Grant co-financed by the State of Geneva and SPF’s Education & Employment Fund

The State Council of Geneva has awarded Swiss Philanthropy Foundation a grant from the canton’s international solidarity fund totalling CHF 163,725 for the period 2016–2018. Funded by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and led by Uganda Youth Development Link, the project aims to provide local-market focused job training to 500 young people aged 14 to 25. Link […]

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10 May 2016 | Press,

Sommes-nous généreux ?

« We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give » disait Winston Churchill. L’empathie comme la générosité peuvent tout à fait côtoyer la philanthropie sans échelle de valeur aucune. Alors combien donner dans une société qui laisse, heureusement, à chacun ce libre choix ?

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08 May 2016 | News,

Austria joins Transnational Giving Europe

The TGE network warmly welcomes Stiftung Philanthropie Österreich as a new member. This is a great opportunity for the network to extendits borders and support the growth of philanthropy in its 19 member countries. Swiss-based donors can now claim a tax deduction for donations made to public-interest organisations in Austria. Likewise, non-profit organisations in Switzerland […]

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10 April 2016 | Press,

10 faits que vous ne savez (probablement) pas sur la philanthropie en Suisse

Aujourd’hui encore les grands donateurs préfèrent une certaine discrétion, mais ils requièrent moins d’anonymat qu’auparavant et deviennent plus exigeants sur les résultats des actions qu’ils soutiennent. Afin de vous éclairer sur certains aspects actuels de la philanthropie, nous vous invitons à consultez l’article.

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01 March 2016 | News,

Promoting NewGen philanthropy

The first NewGen Council took place in Geneva from 19 to 21 February 2016. Organised by Swiss Philanthropy and WISE Philanthropy advisors, the event brought together 20 “NewGen” philanthropists aged 25 to 35 from around the world. The question of how to facilitate the younger generation’s vision and involvement was addressed through roundtables and […]

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01 February 2016 | News,

Xavier Isaac, Head of Salamanca Group Trust and Fiduciary, joins the foundation board

The Foundation Board is pleased to welcome its newest member, Xavier Isaac, Head of Salamanca Group Trust and Fiduciary. Xavier gained over 20 years of experience in management […]

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