Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE – philanthropy advisors would like to welcome Elisa Liotta, the second participant in the Young Talent Program, launched jointly by the two organizations. This 10-month immersion program is aimed at young graduates who wish to discover the philanthropy sector, giving them the opportunity to acquire various professional skills in the […]
Read the articleLucile Bula, Aïssata Traoré and Laurent Hostettler, members of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation team have taken part in the steering committee of the Transnational Giving Europe network. The annual steering committee is an opportunity to meet the new faces of the network partners, to discuss the evolution of the network and the stimulating projects that […]
Read the articleAlliance Magazine is an international publication dedicated to philanthropy and social investment. Sabrina Grassi, Director General of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, contributed to the online version of the magazine, “Latest from Alliance”. She writes an article on collaboration in philanthropy and three examples of projects hosted by the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation that illustrate the latest trends […]
Read the articleThe International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), winner of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, is a grantee of The Peace Pledge Fund, a donor circle hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation. A donor circle allows a group of individuals to pool their resources to advance a common cause, namely, to combat the spread […]
Read the articleThe entire Swiss Philanthropy Foundation team participated in a day of workshops around the values defined in our strategic plan 2022-2025: Integrity, Independence, Simplicity and Innovation. This day allowed us to determine the behaviours to apply in order to be aligned with these values in our daily work, and specifically in the accompaniment of the […]
Read the articleIt is with great joy and enthusiasm that we announce the appointment of Lucile Bula as Director of Operations at the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation. As part of the Foundation’s growth phase, this appointment allows us to strengthen and support the management and specifically the operations department of the Foundation. On a daily basis, Lucile supervises […]
Read the articleSwiss Philanthropy Foundation had the pleasure of attending the Building Bridges Summit on October 3 and 4. On this occasion, Marc Salzmann, Project Administrator at the Foundation, attended very rich exchanges on concrete topics of sustainable finance, oriented towards solutions with collaborative potential and capable of being deployed at large scale. More concretely, many of […]
Read the articleVerbier Festival Philanthropy Forum: the recording of the Forum is available on our Youtube channel Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and the Verbier Festival Foundation joined forces to organise the fourth edition of the Verbier Festival Philanthropy Forum, whose theme was “How can philanthropy be more impactful in an Age of Disruption? The event took place on […]
Read the articleSabrina Grassi, Executive Director of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation answered Nicolas Grangier’s questions for the CCIG – Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services – interview of the week. This was an opportunity to discuss the model of an umbrella foundation and its advantages, to explain the solution of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation’s hosted fund, and to […]
Read the articleDiscover our new activity report! We are pleased to share our bi-annual activity report, looking back on the years 2020 and 2021 of the Foundation. We present the figures and highlights of these two years, which are part of a period of strong growth. This growth is expressed on the one hand by the donations […]
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