Philanthropy: inspiring solutions for a world in crisis

We live in a world full of turbulence and uncertainty, where it can sometimes seem difficult to make a contribution, in time or money, or to adapt our support to contribute to a better world. Yet many solutions exist or are being tested, some experimental, some more daring, but all too often little known.

Inspired on a daily basis, we want to be a source of ideas and offer philanthropists and foundations simple, effective and innovative solutions for carrying out their philanthropic initiatives, alone or in collaboration.

That’s why, on April 15, 2024, we organized 4 panels in front of 300 people, featuring philanthropists, foundations and committed initiative bearers. The speakers presented and discussed different forms of commitment that are already making a difference on their own scale, in a simple and accessible way.

You can watch the testimonial videos and the full event film below.

Video of the event

Video of the event

Faire place aux Jeunes ?

Or how to integrate young people into the governance of the donation, and thus make room for participative decision-making on the support granted.

A panel discussion moderated by :
  • Yasmina Berkane, Project selection committee member, Demaimpact
  • Maxime Chatillon, Project selection committee member, Demaimpact
  • Daniela Ragni, CEO, André Losch Fondation

Interviewed by:

  • Martial Paris, Board member, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Faire place aux Jeunes ?

Faire à plusieurs

Or how to pool resources by funding projects together, to create leverage and greater impact.

A panel discussion moderated by :
  • Alistair Brown, Steering committee member, APTA Fund
  • Tamar Gabelnick, Board member, Fondation Salève

Interviewed by:

  • Mara De Monte, Directrice exécutive, Centre en philanthropie de l’Université de Genève

Faire à plusieurs

The decision to give it all

Or how some foundations choose to use their capital to act now.

A conversation between:
  • Lynda Mansson, former Director, MAVA Foundation; founder and LeaderLy coach
  • Andrew Holland, Director, Mercator Foundation

The decision to give it all

The urge to tackle global challenges more effectively

Or how to deal with global issues on a planetary scale for a sustainable world.

A panel discussion moderated by :
  • Melissa Parke, Director, ICAN
  • Jo Swinson, Director, Fonds Partners for a New Economy

Interviewed by:

  • Etienne Eichenberger, Chairman, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

The urge to tackle global challenges more effectively

A word of introduction

Introduction by :
  • Nathalie Fontanet, Councillor of State, Genève
  • Sabrina Grassi, Director General, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

A word of introduction

A closing word

Conclusion by:

  • Etienne Eichenberger, Chairman, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

A closing word

Full captation of the event

Full captation of the event

Reflections on the role of philanthropy in a world in crisis

From 2020 to 2023, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation hosted a Blog* on Le Temps' online platform. Here you'll find a selection of contributions on the role philanthropy can play in addressing today's challenges.